Application process

Applications for events seeking over $1 million need to be submitted at least two years before the event commencement date, and one year in advance for events seeking investment under $1 million. This is to allow enough time to assess the event and develop leverage and legacy programmes to secure benefits from the event/event platform.

There is a three-step process for Major Event Fund applications.

  1. Initial enquiry
    • To apply for Major Events Fund investment, you must first meet with one of our advisors. During this discussion, you will be asked a series of questions to establish if your event meets our eligibility requirements and investment criteria. 
      Investment criteria
  2. Expression of interest (EOI)
    • If your event has the potential to meet our criteria and aligns with an investment focus area, you will be invited to submit an expression of interest.
    • The expression of interest form asks a series of questions to assess whether your event is likely to meet the necessary requirements to proceed to a full application.
    • Applicants will be advised whether the expression of interest has been approved or declined within six weeks of submission.
    • Data provided at the EOI stage must be able to be verified and substantiated in a full application.
  3. Full application
    • An invitation to present a full application following approval of an EOI does not guarantee Major Events Fund investment. 
The Major Events Fund is contestable, and all applications will be considered on:
  • the strength of the investment proposition
  • the alignment of the event against the investment focus areas
  • the implications of investment against the pool of investment remaining in the Fund for allocation, and against previous investments.

Applications can only be received from legal entities and cannot be sourcing long-term, ongoing Government funding. All applications undergo a rigorous due diligence assessment to ensure:

  • robust governance and event delivery structures are/will be in place
  • the event has adequate underwriting provisions and insurance cover
  • the event is financially viable
  • adequate risk management, health and safety and security plans are in place.

Applications will also be assessed to evaluate the investment proposition and to determine the leverage and legacy potential. They will also be compared alongside investments in similar events.

Applicants will typically be advised of investment decisions within five months of submission.

If you would like to talk to an advisor to learn more about our process or discuss if your event may meet the criteria, contact us.

Before you get in touch, review the Investment criteria

Contact us

Last updated: 26 August 2024